Shark Bay World Heritage Area was stunning!

A big thank you to Wintersun Caravan Park, Carnarvon for two nights free accom and Brian at Hamelin Station Stay for three nights free accom….wonderful of you to help!

Just arrived in Northampton riding 190 km today into a headwind…v tired now. Bike needs repairs…it’s jumping out of gear when I put the foot down…will ride my specialized until I can get Fuji son fixed…hopefully in Geraldton tomoz…

Check out the stunning beauty of Shark Bay World Heritage area….

Another beautiful sunset over here in the west!

Take two…..

Take three…..impressive eh???

Sunrise the next morning from our campsite…

This is Shell Beach…it’s covered in cockle shells, metres deep…amazing!

Our campsite at Hamelin Station…

Geraldton tomoz……zzzzzzz
Cya 🙂

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